‘Minecraft’ is one of Pornhub’s fastest-growing search terms

It's OK if Minecraft characters turn you on.
Think back to when you were a kid. You probably had a crush on a cartoon character. Well, today’s teenagers and college-aged kids have grown up with Minecraft … and they have some strong feelings about those blocks.
Minecraft is seeing a surge in popularity on the adult-video website Pornhub. In a blog postprovided to GamesBeat, the triple-X site noted that searches for “Minecraft” have increased by 326 percent on Pornhub since January 2014. And the company is seeing more search traffic for the game. If you’re wondering what in the living hell “Minecraft porn” could possibly look like, well — you don’t have to imagine it. An animator that goes by the name FuturisticHub has created two videos that are obviously (obviously!) not suitable for work or just about anywhere else — you can watch ’em here.
Pornhub dug a little deeper to see what else people were searching for in conjunction with Minecraft. Terms like “Minecraft porn,” “Minecraft sex,” and “Minecraft hard drilling” were all among the phrases that people were looking for most often.
“The most popular searches don’t always indicate what type of videos exist, but rather the type of videos people want to see,” reads the Pornhub blog post. “In the case of Minecraft, the most popular searches include some expected terms like ‘minecraft hentai’ and ‘minecraft animation.’ Some more interesting searches include ‘minecraft true love’ and ‘minecraft hard drilling.’ Even searches for gameplay and tutorial based ‘lets play minecraft’ videos can be found.”
Oh, and these Minecraft porn connoisseurs have tastes that go beyond blocks and low-resolution textures. Pornhub says that people often search for other games, like Halo, Clash of Clans, and Call of Duty, on its site before settling on Minecraft.
And if you are picturing that these searches are primarily coming from young men, you are absolutely correct.
The demographics of a Minecraft "let's play(with ourselves)er."
Above: The demographics of a Minecraft “let’s play(with ourselves)er.”
Image Credit: Pornhub
“Millennials — those under 35 years old — represent 91 percent of all Minecraft searches,” reads the blog. “Proportionally, 18-to-24 year olds are 498 percent more likely to seek out Minecraft porn than all other age groups.”
And, as you can see in the chart, men are 58 percent more likely to search for Minecraft porn than women.
This just goes to show that if something is popular enough, a bunch of people are going to grow up wanting to have sex with it.

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