Happy New Year post

First off, no need to tell me. I know about what happened with Happy and the other group that released the rest of this. Obviously, I have mixed feelings on it. For starters, I do wish they would have come to just let us know first, which really would've been the polite thing to do. I don't really go out of my way to bash other groups or speak ill, but I think we could have definitely improved the quality of that release.

As some of you are aware, our slowdown on Happy wasn't by choice. Our TL had been having serious health problems, and due to his devotion in finishing the series, I hadn't asked it of other TLs. I have tried to maintain the balance between keeping everyone here informed and respecting Stargood's privacy. Needless to say, this was our first series and the one the group was named for. It's one I had always intended to see through to the end no matter what.

Well, I'm not sure if that'll be possible now. It's disheartening and this would've been so easily avoidable by a bit of courtesy. To everyone who's enjoyed our releases so far over the years, thank you. We had a bunch of chapters in the works, but I'm not sure if they'll ever see the light of day now.

As for people who keep asking for things in the comments: you will get everything when it's done. I can only push people so much, and believe me, I have. I don't like delays any more than you, but sometimes they can't be helped.

As far as it goes, though, here is the new Azumi

And a new series. Will this one be completed? Who knows, but it's nice to begin it here. The first chapter of the Wolf Guy series from the 90s

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