Deviant of the Day- SaintChase aka Chase Conley (trust me, you wanna see this, fam!)

I never heard nothin' about this dude Chase Conley (aka saintChase on deviant art) until iFanboy dropped this article on 'im. It was enough to send me a'lookin' at his stuff. Well, er um... he's pretty good...I mostly posted character designs and experiments from his in-progress OGN Kinetic Kartel (cause that's how the eff I roll), but there's some comics isht in here, too...

from the Dynamite series Jim Butcher’s The Dresden Files: Fool Moon

Kung Fu Star starring Vincent Lyn

Yo, Chase: Don't let them stick you with DEFENDERS. Just sayin...

Dear whoever's drawing Moon Knight: you're FIRED!

from the Dynamite series Jim Butcher’s The Dresden Files: Fool Moon

I will come back later and talk about what I learned trolling through his internets. I didn't wanna make y'all wait on this fire. Mr. Conley, you are now officially on my frickin' radar... You may return to your regularly scheduled whatever, already in progress...


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