"I am the daughter of royalty on some queen shit. Roots are lain in foreign soil on some Ben Vereen shit..." @SaRocTheMC

I heart Sa-Roc long time... Check out this new video for DC x ATLiens featuring Roc spitting over a dope Organized Noize beat...

 Sa-Roc has been on my radar for a minute. Although I admit this is my first time blogging about her music, I actually share her videos on social media all the time. She's one of those emcees that is difficult to write about, because as soon as I think I have her figured out, she shows me a new facet to her crystalline structure. Today I finally decided not to try to put her in a box, and just show you some videos. Here's another impressive joint The Who, which features an incredible turn by that dude David Banner.

In the classroom cypher in that video, Sa-Roc is spitting lines from Supernova, which is actually the first song of hers I ever heard. It was love at first listen...

Yeah. So anyways, I don't have anything intelligent to add. I haven't bought any of Sa-Roc's records yet, but my dude Mister Lassiter advised me to "check out Ether Warz if nothing else..." so I'm sharing that recommendation with you. "But," he went on to say that "she's got a solid catalog", so you'll be safe whatever you choose, I think.


Samax Amen draws people, places and things for a living.  CLICK HERE to buy a copy of Samax's artbook SPONTANEOUS Volume 1 so you can say "I liked the first one better" when the new one comes out...
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