"Prince of Cats" character doodles by Ron Wimberly, plus "Prince of Cats" fan art by Chase Conley

I saw this sketch by D-pi (or as President Obama calls him, " Secretary of Defness, Ron Wimberly") of Balthazar, Ibrahim and Benvolio from his GhettoManga Award-winning Shakespearean hip hop graphic novel Prince of Cats and had to share it...
Yeah, that made me happy on a crappy day, so good work Senor Wimberly! 
As I alluded to, Prince of Cats was the best graphic novel of 2012 (sorry everyone else) which if you read the Undead Celebrities issue of the magazine you already knew. 
Wimberly declined my request to print one of his unpublished comics in GhettoManga Quarterly a while ago, not sure if GhettoManga was a good outlet for his work, but the mingling of high art, hip hop, and international pop influences that thread through all his work makes him an exemplar of what we're about over here. 
Speaking of dudes who exemplify the spirit of GhettoManga, here's a pinup featuring Tybalt and Rosalyn from Prince of Cats by Wimberly's Black Dynamite coworker Chase mother-effing Conley. We haven't had time to write about Conley in a while, but you should click here to read this post I wrote about him a while back. Go ahead. Click it. You know you want to...

What was I saying? OH YEAH! Ron Wimberly's hella dope. Chase Conley, also dope. We're looking forward to seeing more work from both of them.

Samax Amen draws people, places and things for fun and profit. Whenever possible, he makes it awesome, so click here if you need custom art.

comics. hiphop. news. art. culture
Album art by GhettoManga

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