Corey Lewis leaks new SUNBAKERY cover and teases new Metroid tribute comic!

Over the weekend, Corey Lewis (Sharknife, Peng, Layered Jacket) leaked this cover image of his eagerly-awaited and Kickstarter-funded anthology Sunbakery in a backer update. 
"(T)here are still a couple pages I need to fix / finish..." he apologized, explaining that his own pesky perfectionism is the primary holdup on the book, which was successfully crowdfunded in February of 2013. "I know, it's annoying, but I really am a stickler for quality control on this thing..." 
Rey says he hooked up this new cover because he just wasn't satisfied with the old one, teasing that he intends to tweak the logo before the book is released to Sunbakery backers (he affectionately refers to us as "Bakers") in April. He also dropped the news that before that he would be debuting a new Metroid tribute comic Arem at Emerald City Con in his hometown of Seattle.
In case you are wondering why Lewis didn't just complete Sunbakery instead of dropping a new joint for Seattle's signature comic con, Rey dropped some artist logic on backers you may want to consider:
Well, I figured Bakers would get upset if I showed / sold Sun Bakery at ECCC before I had a chance to mail out copies to you. So I made the decision to finish a new project in time for ECCC instead. "
Only an artist would conclude that the best way to make up for being late on a project is to start another project before the late project is done... but as an artist myself, I totally get it. Bakers will get Arem and Rufyo (a Sharknife side story) as digital comics, but I'm sure Rey will also offer print copies on the net. 
Corey closed out his update by inviting bakers to come to Emerald City Con the last weekend of March and "bust [his] balls about all this"... He'll be at TABLE X-06. 

Samax Amen draws people, places and things for fun and profit. Whenever possible, he makes it awesome, so click here if you need some custom art in the mighty GHETTOMANGA tradition.
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