IN STORES TODAY- Adventure Time 2014 Winter Special

Just when you thought there was no upside to the polar vortex, global colding and other assorted winter bee ess, (ka)BOOM drops the Adventure Time 2014 Winter Special to warm your hearts and hearths. Peep...

Whoa! And here I thought it was just a COZ-BEE-SWEHT-AWW. (ka)BOOM continues to warm my frozen heart with the licensed comic genius of Pendleton Ward's cash cow.  I gotta admit I was skeptical that Adventure Time would translate well to a comic, but I can't remember why. These Adventure Time comics provide a great way to convert teevee junkies to the medium of comics. So head to your local comic shop, buy a stack, and get your recruit on: The Adventure Time Winter Special arrives in stores today!
Samax Amen draws people, places and things for fun and profit. Whenever possible, he makes it awesome. Because you demanded it (well, maybe not YOU, but somebody did), his freestyle comic Spontaneous will be returning this year. He also wants to draw at least 14 album covers in 2014, so click here if you need album art. 
comics. hiphop. news. art. culture

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