Donation drive: Help needed, and Shingen Takeda 6

Alright, I usually don't like to do this, but this is an emergency...Kazu's computer is absolutely shot and we need to ask you guys for help. Right now, the cost of getting a new one is 200 dollars, so we need to ask for donations here. I will post every single dollar that comes in, and Kazu has promised me that in return for this help, he will be cranking things out as fast as possible, especially Cobra.

Hundreds of people read our stuff, so if everyone could just spare a few bucks, we'd hit our goal in no time. This is a huge, huge favor, I know, but you will see it rewarded. I can assure you that you're going to see manga like Cobra and Fantasy World Jun quickly afterwards.

Thank you all very much!

Right now, it stands as 0 raised, with 200 needed

And after this heartfelt plea, enjoy Shingen Takeda 6!

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