PODCAST- Definitive (and hilarious) "Django Unchained" review by Black Girl Nights

Here's a very entertaining spoiler-rich discussion of Django Unchained by the dynamic duo Congolesa Rice and Nigeria Jones ('longside producer and token white dude Mickey).

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I never got around to seeing this movie, but I really enjoyed listening to this review, which I found to be very balanced and entertaining. I typically find it frustrating when people assume an actor is racist based on a portrayal in a movie, but I couldn't stop laughing when the ladies of Black Girl Nights go there. If there was a transcript to this review, I would probably put it in the magazine. Click here to like the Black Girl Nights show on Facebook, or just follow them on Ustream. I'm sure I'll watch Django Unchained eventually, but either way, I invite discussion of the issues brought up in this interview.


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