PREVIEW- SOS the Comicbook #8 & 9 f/Vast Aire's Carlos The Midget

As if I needed another reason to love Vast Aire, it looks like the Can Ox/LXG front man is creating comicbook characters now... Issues 8 & 9 of the Canadian hip hop caper Song of Songs the Comicbook feature the foul-mouthed, gun-toting mini-thug Carlos the Midget, created by Vast Aire...

Song of Songs is about a fun-loving group of young carefree hip hop heads that have a serious wake up call when one of their group, Kay, is kidnapped by Bello, a monstrous local gangster. Her boyfriend Isaiah enlists his friends and extended network of street cats to arm up and get her back. I have read issues 1-6, and wholeheartedly recommend you get your hands on it.  
SOS follows Isaiah and company as they extend their reach looking for Kay and getting into it with Bello's goons. Song of Songs will charm your socks off by the fact that at any given moment, the characters break out into freestyle rap ciphers to pass the time between scuffles. More than anything, Song of Songs is a love story. A love story about the traumatized couple Kay and Isaiah, looking to be reunited. A story about friendship, and how neighborhood homies put their lives on the line for each other. A story about the love of hip hop music, art and culture that exists under unsuspecting people's noses. 
Song of Songs the Comicbook is as sincere a melding of hip hop and comics as I have ever seen. I'm glad to see it's still going! Click here to visit the website where you'll find more previews, a list of stores that carry the comic, and a store where you can order online.

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