Kirkman + Stelfreeze + Silvestri = HELLS YEAH!

HOLY CRAP! This is freakin' HARDBODY*!!! And I would say that even if it WASN'T written by Robert Kirkman and drawn by Brian Stelfreeze (but it is, and that makes it even more so!). The Silvestri cover doesn't suck either...

Apparently, this was supposed to come out two years ago, but since Kirkman and Silvestri were busy going Hollywood or whatever, it didn't? I don't know... Whatever the case, I'm just PRAYING to convicted-of-a-crime-he-didn't-commit Jesus that my comic shop gets enough copies for me to clench one, now that Top Cow is dropping this joint impromptu style... cause Brian Stelfreeze is the name you can freaking TRUST, seen? If you get one, let me know what the deal is... I'll be sure to do the same...

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