"Sons o' bitches won't stop til the economy crash. It's gettin' a little vicious to make a little cash..." -King Ra

Jersey emcee King Ra expresses the resentment that many of us are feeling toward corporate greed in his single I Gotta Get Paid. Whether you're down with the lefty populism of the Occupy Wallstreet cats or not, you've probably felt the same way at some point...

MSNBC host Melissa Harris Perry was talking about the frustrations of the long-term unemployed on her show this morning, and how employers are able to freely discriminate against people who have been out of work for extended periods.  I experienced that stonewalling first hand as a freelancer and entrepreneur looking to return to the traditional workforce in 2010.  I've long since learned to hustle, job or no job... because even after I got a good jay oh, these corporate cats can't be trusted to keep me paid. Some people don't want to see you prosper, but you have to learn to dodge 'em and get your paper. 
Anyways, I love Ra's spirit on this joint. 

If you're feeling it, you pro'lly wanna cop that free Foot on They Necks Vol 1 mixtape, which includes that song at the end of the video, Acclaimed Critically, and more of Ra's special brand of righteous indignation.

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