PREVIEW- Secret Avengers #18

 A superhero chopping a dude's head in half on this John Cassaday cover? Warren Ellis at the type writer? No, it's not a "New 52" reboot of StormWatch: Black, The Authority or Planetary, it's just Secret Avengers #18...  the dome-splitting duty is courtesy of Shang Chi's deadly hands of kung fu, so Jack Hawksmoor can take the day off. I haven't read a single issue of Secret Avengers so I can't provide any context for these pages (which have no letters yet), but I understand Shang Chi getting his Ong Bak on, so I figured you would too...

Here's the Sales Pitch:
A can of matter the size of a football, mined from a broken universe, would be enough to turn the Earth into a sun. There are people, hidden from the view of the world, who would do that either to hold the planet to ransom -- or just to die knowing they took everyone else with them. And right now there are just three people -- Steve Rogers, The Black Widow and Shang-Chi -- between us and total annihilation, trapped on a space station in the No-Zone...

That last panel reminded me that Warren Ellis is writing this book... Anyways, Secret Avengers #18 drops October 26.

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