PREVIEW: Cubicles: The Movie! (the graphic Novel)

 I was trolling around for previews on CBR and saw an ad for Cubicles: The Movie  and was blown away by it (see kids! Advertising really DOES work)... I guess it's more accurate to say I saw an ad for their Kickstarter campaign, where I found the 7 page preview I've posted for you below. The 92 page sci-fi action comedy tells the story of Wally and Ost, mild mannered office workers who get sucked into a corporate takeover. They are dragged across the galaxy and come face to face with aliens, pirates, and space squid all in an effort to save the company, get the girl, and maybe even get a raise.  

Cubicles creator Walter Ostlie started the comic on the web before taking the book from there into space. 
"I decided Wally and Ost had a larger story to tell. So I wanted to take them out of the office and put this on this big adventure. This made me think of TV shows when they become movies. So that is what I did, I treated the web strip like it was a TV show and the graphic novel like it was a movie..."

"I put my duo in all kinds of crazy situations that had nothing to do with the office building they had previously been stuck in."
Whatever Ostlie's doing, it's worked! He has already raised enough to meet his printing goals, but I pledged the $10 to get my hands on a copy of the book anyways, and I recommend that you do too. The price goes up to $15 to cop it once the Kickstarter campaign ends on February 16th, So click here to get in where you fit in, fam!

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