HOLY CRAP! John Byrne's Next Men is Back ?!?!

I'm not nearly as big a fan of John Byrne as I used to be, but I'm not so far-gone that I'd want to pass on his return to his creator-owned supehero/sci-fi mind-bender Next Men. Before the Wachowski's even thought of bringing Mr. Anderson out of the Matrix, Byrne was blowing my mind with Next Men, which follows a team of super-powered teenagers who awake in a lab and discover the world they grew up in was a computer-generated dream world.
The superstar artist behind my love for the X-men, Fantastic Four, and Alpha Flight left the majors behind to write and draw Next Men and lured me for the first time into the wild, anything- can- happen world indie comics. Now after a looooong hiatus, Byrne and his creator-owned super-team have reappeared at IDW with a brand new  #1 issue.Wanna see a preview?

Here's the Sales Pitch:
A NEW CHAPTER begins in the lives of the survivors of Project Next Men. New friends, new foes, and a tale that literally twists time itself out of joint. They said it would never happen, but it has! John Byrne has returned to his classic creation! This is where it STARTS, this is where you want to BE!

Yeah, don't feel bad if you're confused... that's part of the fun! Having said that, you may want to read Next Men Premiere Edition Volume 1 if you're new to the series. Or dive into the deep end and cop the new John Byrne's Next Men issue, which is in stores right now! In case it matters to you, I highly recommend it!

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