Now seeking Powerman/Luke Cage art! Submission details here-->

I'm soliciting submissions to my magazine GhettoManga Quarterly, and would like to invite you to submit. This issue's theme is Powerman/Luke Cage (the "Sweet Christmas Special" chuckle).
Pinups, tribute art, parody, redesigns (everyone always seems to hate the new cage designs), strip comics, full page comics shorts, cosplay... any medium is welcome! If you have a pre-existing piece, that's okay (submit as many pieces as you want) The book will be in Full Color, but black and white is fine. Do whatever you feel most comfortable doing (collabos are also fine, just make sure the other person is okay with it). :D

You are encouraged to write a little bit about your piece (why you chose to redesign Luke Cage's costume, your favorite [or least favorite] Luke Cage comic story, etc), but it isn't required.

The deadline for submissions is NOVEMBER 12*. I don't have money, but I am happy to offer an art trade for a future project of yours, or a free/discounted commission piece if your piece is accepted and used in the book.

feel free to ask questions here or by note.

Submissions should include the artwork (preferably a jpg at 300 dpi) and a brief description/bio to run with the art. Please don't put your url on the piece. Put in in the email/description/bio and I will make sure it is in the book.

send submissions to and use the subject line POWERMAN ART.

SPACE IN THE BOOK IS LIMITED, so don't get mad/offended if I don't use your piece. It's not personal, and just because you don't make one issue doesn't mean we can't work together in the future. :)
* if you can't make the deadline, look out for the next art drive, as I am trying to do the magazine more frequently now!

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