PHILLY COMIC CON: Stan the Streetfighting Bowler

Because he didn't tell me, I wasn't able to warn inform you that Jamar Nicholas (Fist, Stick Knife, Gun) and his art slaves were repping their as-yet-unborn webcomic Stan the Streetfighting Bowler at Philly Comic Con. I am not at the show, but I can confirm that they are totally in the house and stuff... and I got pitchers to prove it, buddy... 

Jamar is the one... that looks like he'd be named Jamar!
Jamar hasn't said much to me about this comic, but the name Stan the Streetfighting Bowler is really all the sales pitch you need, get me? So anyways, here's some more pics I snatched from the jaws of their production blog...

terrorist fist bump!

Another promo poster in-progress?

Today is the last day of Philly Comic Con, so if you're in town today, go check 'em out, or visit
BTW-While you're at the con, you pro'lly wanna check for this and this too. Just sayin'...
have a nice day...

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