Added to the Wishlist: "Scribbles" by Giannis Milonogiannis

 I can't tell you much about Giannis Milonogiannis. I know he draws an awesome webcomic called Old City Blues (I'll get to that later), and that he released this dope 80 page compilation of short comics and sketches called Scribbles last month. I ran into this while trolling around on Indyplanet and put it on my wishlist because I was hooked by his detailed, yet loose and sketchy artwork.  Gorgeous stuff, as you will see in the preview below!
Here's the Sales Pitch:

"SCRIBBLES #1" collects work from 2009 and the first half of 2010. Contains nine short stories and comics experiments, including "The Collector", "Large Mobile Gun Force", "Enuk" and "Oceania-2". 41 pages of comics and 37 pages of illustrations, drawings and sketches of girls, cars, robots and Old City Blues.
Awesome, right? Like I said, you can buy Scribbles on Indyplanet. Just click here. Unfortunately for me, until I land another large gig, it's just a wish... Since finishing Herman Heed, work has been slow, so I gotta curb my already reduced comics buying. We still got internet over here, though, which brings me to Giannis' webcomic Old City Blues...
OCB is a sci-fi police drama that takes place in New Athens, the futuristic- yet- dilapidated urban sprawl that covers what used to be present day Greece. New Athens was built by foreign corporate powers after a natural disaster all but erased Greece from the map. When a series of murders targeting cyborg citizens ends with the death of a power corporate executive, law-enforcement agents from divisions that don't normally get along are forced to work together.
In addition to being a fine storyteller, Giannis is quite a world-builder. He does a fine job of folding together exposition, character development and action to create this fast-paced 95 page story arc about a world where corporation and government are finally the same thing. The story is complete, but definitely opens at the end, welcoming more story arcs where additional development of the characters and the world they inhabits await us.
Since I'm assuming Milonogiannis is greek by his name, I like the fact that he grounds his story in a modernized Greece, leaving the Old City (the only part of the original city of Athens still standing) as a prominent, yet mysterious setting in the story that's appealing on many levels.  In a way, he nods to his cultural history while also destroying it, making way to move into the future. But enough of my rambling... if you wanna give Old City Blues a try, click here. As for my wishlist, if anybody wants to buy me a copy of Scribbles (as well as other stuff I'm putting on the wishlist), get at me! There might be a sketch or poster in it for you...


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