Azumi chapter 72, Robot Keiji Chapter 21 and Way of Ryu 27e, Donation Drive and recruitment

Azumi Chapter 72! As Fencers

In this exciting new chapter, Azumi is prepared to take her opponents on...who beg her for a chance to settle their fight as swordsmen.

In the next Ryu, the truth of the New Men is revealed...and the question remains: who will rule the future? We're hurtling towards the conclusion of this whole series!

And finally, it's time for a new Robot Keiji! So close to the end...and the Jackal approaches

Now, I must again beseech for any help with editing! We have some great projects in and coming up, so please consider signing on as an editor if you want to help with great manga!

And we still have 290 dollars to go for our drive. Please help us out there! Any small amount helps and will help our projects continue.

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