This preview of DEADPOOL #31 is hilarious!

 This cover by Mark Brooks is freaking insane. That is all. Anyways, here's a few preview pages to Deadpool #31.

 Here's the sales pitch:
Preston uncovers a secret from Deadpool's past that needs immediate attention! But Deadpool and Dazzler are still fighting off Dracula's forces!

"Was Blade unavailable?"
I'm sorry, this shit's hilarious. I have no idea what's going on, but Deadpool and Dazzler are killing indignant vampires. What's not to love? Also, my big homie John "I escaped from Texas" Lucas is killing it on the art, with Val Staples on colors. I would buy this if comics were reasonably priced or something. For those of you sleeping on pillows full of money, Deadpool #31 hits stores July 9th.

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