Dog Soldier Volume 1, with Hokuto No Gun and Illuminati-Manga

Have we got a freaking treat for you...From Tetsuya Saruwatari, our three groups have teamed up to present you with Dog Soldier, the tale of John Kyosuke Hiba! A former Green Beret down on his luck, John can never quite avoid being dragged back into the dark and violent world of covert operations where is pitted against terrorists, paramilitary groups, treacherous former friends and more. It's pure Saruwatari, which means pure testosterone fueled badass awesomeness. In this case, it definitely has a flavor of 80s action films to it, and anyone who sees John Rambo from Hiba's image? Can't blame you.

So, tune in, and see John Hiba, the dog soldier fight terrorists, rescue hostages and curse out Ronald Reagan!

As a note: For Ryu, the translator is going to try to scan in the pages missing from the raw. We'll include those with a full volume release. A HUGE thanks to Mr. Fabio Sakomoto for helping us with that, and we humbly request the same aid with Azumi and Tree in the Sunlight

But for now...enjoy some Green Beret Action!

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