Felipe Smith and Tradd Moore continue to hold it down like oppression in this latest preview of Marvel's street-racing inspired relaunch of Ghost Rider.
Here's the sales pitch:

• The streets of East LA flare up with drug-fueled gang violence form DR. ZABO’s power-enhancing narcotic.
• Will ROBBIE REYES submit to the sprit inside him and go too far in protecting the neighborhood?
• What is MR. HYDE’s diabolical plan to expand his underground empire?

I love it! I can't say I was ever interested in seeing anyone else drawing Felipe Smith's scripts but Felipe, but Tradd Moore is getting it done admirably. I guess his stylized cartoon drawing hand is not for everyone, but he's the sheet in my book. Felipe brings his love for Los Angeles' unique culture to Ghost Rider, and Marvel reaching out to Lowrider Magazine to reach the book's natural target audience was an inspired idea. It would be very cool if Marvel did some kind of ongoing, collaborative publishing deal with a magazine like Lowrider, to help its comics expand their reach with such a huge, growing demographic. As I said about Miles Morales, his fellow alliterative latino Robbie Reyes is part of Marvel's quiet diversity initiative. Marvel has happily and wisely gotten their hands on multiracial, multilingual, and multinational Felipe Smith, whose star can only continue to rise now that the world has gotten a look at him.
All New Ghost Rider #4 hits stores June 25th.


Samax Amen draws people, places and things for a living.  CLICK HERE to buy a copy of Samax's artbook SPONTANEOUS Volume 1 so you can say "I liked the first one better" when the new one comes out... 
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