IN STORES NOW- THE MOVEMENT #12 by @GailSimone and Freddie Williams II

My dude Dwayne sent me copies of the first few issues of the New 52's youthful revolutionary comic The Movement after I wrote an excited preview post.  I really enjoyed 'em. Here's a preview of The Movement #12...

The sales pitch:
There’s no length the Movement won’t go to if it means rescuing one of their own from a cult that has deep roots in Burden’s hometown.

As far as Marvel and DC go, The Movement is the kind of comic I live for. By creating brand new characters at a major publisher(or maybe using existing rejects) creators like Gail Simone and Freddie Williams get the best of both worlds: Relatively free reign to create without getting sucked into stupid crossover bishop*, but the opportunity to still play within the context of DC's iconic mass continuity. So I enjoy books like this, even though I know they have next to no chance of surviving for long. But since this is probably a limited series, it's good to know it will have a beginning, middle, and end if when it is collected in trade. I would love to hope this books sells well enough to continue, but.... well...

Anyways, The Movement #12 is in stores now.


Samax Amen draws people, places and things for a living. So obviously, he is well-acquainted with disappointment and loss.
CLICK HERE to buy a copy of his artbook SPONTANEOUS Volume 1. He's thinking about doing another one soon, so stay tuned...

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