I get a lot of "help me spread the word about my Kickstarter campaign" emails. A LOT of them! Even though many of them are very cool, I don't have time to post about them here, so a facebook drop or Tweet is about all the help I can muster. However, STRONGHOLD by Kevin Roberts and Brian Visaggio is SO dope that I just HAD to post a preview here on GhettoManga...
HOLY CRAP! Diversity in the future? CRAZY TALK!
Yeah, this is dope. I still don't have much time to offer idle blah blah, but I wanted to post this up before I forgot. All three issues included in STRONGHOLD: Hope Is Not Yet Lost (and the fourth, which will appear in the next volume) are already completed, so you're essentially pre-ordering a completed project, not supporting someone's dream of making the funnybooks.
If you're looking for more diversity in science fiction and/or comics, you will want to get down with this. But beyond that, it looks like an engaging story with great art. Either way CLICK HERE to get in on the STRONGHOLD Kickstarter, asap.
When he isn't busy making you famous, Samax Amen draws stuff for fun and profit. Whenever possible, he makes it awesome.
comics. hiphop. news. art. culture
Album art by GhettoManga |