"NJ to UK. Clientelle Massive..." @RealKingRA (from that new cartoon Sci Fi Stu video "Breaking Bad", animated by @GOODIDEAstyle)

It wouldn't come as a surprise to find out that I like animated hip hop videos.  I was excited to find out that the new Sci Fi Stu-produced joint Breaking Bad (featuring Jersey growler King RA) debuted on YouTube this morning. Peep...
 This is a lot of fun... RA does what he does on the track by UK button-pusher Sci Fi Stu...   the animation by Italian-based studio Good Idea Street makes the international cypher complete, yo. Peace to all involved from Dallas, Texas, USA.
Have a nice day...

Samax Amen draws people, places and things for fun and profit. Whenever possible, he makes it awesome. Because you demanded it (well, maybe not YOU, but somebody did), his freestyle comic Spontaneous will be returning this year. He also wants to draw at least 14 album covers in 2014, so click here if you need album art.

comics. hiphop. news. art. culture
Album art by GhettoManga

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