Darius Logan Fan art by @SamaxAmen

Darius Logan Fanart by Samax Amen
If you read the review I wrote last year, you already know how much I loved David Walker's super hero novel Darius Logan: Super Justice Force. I was pleased as can be when David commissioned me to draw a fan art piece, so I opted to draw Darius with Captain Freedom, cornerstone of the SJF. While Super Justice Force doesn't try to be a Watchmen-style deconstruction of the superhero genre, Walker's super-powered personas are draped over living breathing humans, as seen through the jaded-yet-awestruck eyes of the series' star Darius Logan.
Anyways, you can read my review here, or just buy a copy of the book here.


Samax Amen draws people, places and things for fun and profit. Whenever possible, he makes it awesome. 

comics. hiphop. news. art. culture

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