FOOD ONE is TAKING OVER LOS ANGELES this week!!!! (((airhorn)))

If you've found yourself with a case of the Mondays, I figure some random art from the mighty FOOD ONE (his momma named him Jim Mahfood) should lift your spirits. My Los Angelinos should be especially festive, because FOOD ONE's VISUAL FUNK WEEK is in full mother-fucking efFIZZect in your area! Here's an itinerary (that's just a list of places and dates, fools) and some more art below...
Hero Complex Gallery is proud to present the FIRST SOLO exhibition and the book release by Jim Mahfood AKA FOOD ONE entitled VISUAL FUNK. The exhibit and book spans an almost two decade career highlighting the artist’s work in comics, illustration, animation, advertising, murals, gallery shows, body painting, and live art.
 Visual Funk is more then a defiant moniker for the artist. Visual Funk is a way of life. With constant beats in his head, Mahfood’s work has the distinct timing mismatch of funk, hip-hop, and jazz. By utilizing a classically-based fundamental understanding of the human form (particularly that of the female) and translating it in to a controlled frenzy of free-form paint-and-ink-driven language, Mahfood has created a definitive style all his own, making his work revolutionary, recognizable, and relatable while staying true to his internal rhythm.
This event is an opportunity to meet the artist and view the works that have solidified Mahfood’s multi-faceted career. The exhibit at Hero Complex presents a diverse body of work from the Mahfood archives, along with selections of new works, comic pages, and a collection of prints.
TUES: Pervert Train Live @ Wax Rabbit Gentlemen's Club.
FRI: Visual Funk Art Show @ Hero Complex Gallery.
SAT: Visual Funk Art Book Release @ The Last Bookstore in downtown LA.
SAT NIGHT: The Annual Smash Party @ Titmouse Cartoons.
@perverttrain @herocomplexgallery @waxrabbit

CLICK HERE so you can HIT THE VISUAL FUNK SHOW event page on Facebook to stay up on it!  And don't forget to check those other events leading up to the show!

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