Tchaikovsky: Symphonies Nos. 1 & 6

“…a young man's view of Tchaikovsky's first and last symphonies: infectious, bracing, and idealistic by turns, the results are both lively and heartfelt. This Pathétique… finale… receives a terrifying rendition; its feverish climaxes in the middle and stabbing sforzandos and pizzicatos near the end convey the pain of death more than its sense of release.” --BBC Music Magazine, November 2009 ****


 “Jurowski steers a marvellously lithe and clear-sighted course through this youthful canvas, with springy bass-lines, luminous textures and bracing contrapuntal vigour. Jurowski's Pathétique, too, has much to commend it… Everything is exquisitely nuanced, and Jurowski exploits an intrepidly wide range of dynamic...” --Gramophone Magazine, November 2009

“Both are exceptional performances, superbly recorded with a breathtaking range of dynamics. Taking pride of place is the wonderfully bright, buoyant account of the First Symphony... In both works, the playing of the LPO is world class.” --The Guardian, 4th September 2009 ****

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