Bestia chapters 5-6: The Dragon's Claws

Oh, Tsukinosuke, what's drawn your attention now? The hunting of foreigners? Well, time to meet another woman and learn her story as well...and Tsukinosuke gets a bit closer to perhaps finding his sister Kazuki...

Some of you, by the way, might be wondering what Bestia's about. Let's allow Ikegami Ryoichi himself to tell us:

"The power at that time exterminated the legendary tribe Saishi. Who were the vicious warriors inherited by beasts. The tribe was beyond the boundary of human nature. And even had poison blood. Gen Tsukinosuke, half beast and half human, has fatefully blood relations with Saishi. And pronounces the death sentence on all."

Says it all, doesn't it?

And a reminder...looking for someone to help us update the blog, and for editing! Please!

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