Way of Ryu chapter 20 part b, Tenku no Inu chapter 5 and Shut Hell chapter 27

We learn more of the mysterious Condor who is an incredibly awesome ally. New villains, more  on Maria and more great Shotaro writing! Here it is: Way Of Ryu chapter 20B

the inside of your mouth would taste like blood also if you'd just bitten a man's throat out! This time, it's to the Jin Encampment with out friends at Manga At The End Of Time with Shut Hell chapter 27: Promise

And finally, a mysterious murder leads to Heaven, Inc on the case, and we get a glimpse of a member of the Vipers Of Heaven, the beautiful and deadly Machi Abisu. we also learn all about the rokurokubi and Shinpei is about to learn just what being a member of this team can entail...

Tenku no Inu chapter 5: Rokurokubi

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