"So many artists are so emotionally attached to their product, they're trapped by the ART of it." -Marc Ecko

Right now, I'm listening to a dope ass interview of hip hop fashion dude Marc Ecko by internet marketing dude Derek Halpern. Ecko talks about his autobiographical business /self-help book Unlabel: Selling You Without Selling Out, building and destroying with Halpern about things he has learned from his successes and failures. 
Ecko is the boss of a billion dollar business, but the stuff he and Halpern talk about in this podcast is mad relevant for a semi-pro micropreneur like myself. The title of the post is a quote from the interview where Marc was bemoaning his own failing to the Starving Artist mindset I hate so much. "It's a fallacy for young creative types..." Ecko barks in this lively interview, calling it "a lazy, indulgent, bratty  posture..." an unintended consequence of admiring all the wrong qualities of successful artists and creative businessmen. Good stuff.
So now I feel like I need to buy a copy of Unlabel, which drops October 1st. I'm working on a book about overcoming that Starving Artist shit, and I think this one will be good research for that. For all the struggling creatives out there, let me know if there are any topics you want me to cover in the book, so I can make it a valuable read. But again, this interview is hardbody! Click here to listen to it via Derek's blog Social Triggers.


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