Shut Hell, chapter 23 (Joint with Manga At The End Of Time)

This one has been on Other Side Of sky's radar for quite some time, as it had been long abandoned. This is also one of the only ones we're not doing any editing on. That job is down to our partners on this one who have honestly done an absolutely amazing and fantastic job on the editing here.

Shut Hell, or Shuto Hero, focuses on Shut Hell, a female Tangut warrior in 13th century china, feared by even the invading Mongols. The first three volumes were done by the sadly defunct Milky Translations, and they had done the first coupla chapters of V4, but Other Side felt it was worth doing it from the top of the volume. Here, we meet Veronika, 'The Arrow Of God,'...and one thing I utterly love is how Yu Itoh (who is an amazing artist) does Temujin, AKA:  Genghis Khan through this story as a shadowy, dreaded figure.

I'd also say both we and Manga At the End of time could use help with editing, translating, you name it, to get some great projects out, so go check them out!

Expect more Tree in the sunlight within a day or two. Robot Keiji, I know I've gotten questions on that...nothing yet. If you want to know, ask FKMT Krazy, hopefully it'll come soon.

Here is Shut Hell!

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