"Quality music that deserves to be heard" -Chuck D (yeah, THAT Chuck D), speaking on @AWKWORDrap's new joint...

Here's the video and download link for Awkword's new joint Throw Away the Key, taking aim at NYC's controversial "Stop and Frisk" policy, and the for-profit prison pipeline it feeds.

"Throw Away The Key is more than just a cry for prison reform..." explains Awk, "it is an attack on the entire system of inequality and injustice that is merely exemplified by the racist, classist inequalities in policing and sentencing. Mass Incarceration, Recidivism, Profiling, Stop And Frisk, Police Brutality (e.g., Tremaine McMillian) and Fatality (e.g., Oscar Grant), Political Prisoners. These are symptoms of a greater societal problem. Add income to the equation, via for-profit prisons, and you have modern day slavery. THIS MUST END."

Word. Click here to download Throw Away the Key via soundcloud. This joint is off  World View, the first-ever 100% For-Charity Global Hip Hop project, sponsored by DJBooth and the fine folks at The Morgan Stanley Foundation. So act like ya know.


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