Triple threat time! Shingen Takeda 5, Robot Keiji 6 aaaand...

It's the return of the great General, Shingen Takeda! In Chapter 5! Give our man Chaos a big hand for this great chapter!

And our robot friend is back! It's a new case for our friend Keiji in Robot Keiji Chapter 6
And now...the momeny youv'e been waiting for...

Heck, maybe we should've made this the ransom note for more Urasawa.

Happy 156
Well, it's about time this got more uplifting, wouldn't you say?

As for what we need now...editors and translators!If anyone knows Italian and Spanish, we could definitely use the help as well, as we have some series in those languages, too! Don't be shy, people! We have a need for the help and we'd love to have new friends and crew members

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