Wonder Wo... I mean WARRIOR WOMAN Joins Misty Knight's Fearless Defenders in issue 3

 Fearless Defenders writer Cullen Bunn is taking the Wonder Woman mythos back to its roots in Greek mythology, casting Hippolyta (the Golden Age WW, and mother of Princess Diana) of Themiscyra ("Paradise Island" in the DC canon) as the mighty Warrior Woman.  Peep...

I was just talking about the complex and problematic history of Wonder Woman with my dude Corance, so this fits right into where my head is at right now. It has been fun to see how modern creative teams rip off Wonder Woman, whether to reinforce or to critique modern gender politics. 
If you're reading this Warren,  I would LOVE to draw a Rite mini or one-shot...
Like DC's other icons, Wonder Woman is ripped off by all the great writers and artists in superhero comics, so it remains to be seen if Warrior Woman will be a one-off (like say, Rite, Warren Ellis's matriarchal warrior mystic from the classic Stormwatch: Change or Die storyline), or have a more enduring storyline and following, like Rob Liefeld's Glory (recently revived for a new storyline by Joe Keatinge and Ross Campbell) or Alan Moore's Promethea
Whatever the case, I haven't been buying the single issues of Fearless Defenders, opting to wait on the trade collection, since it stars my beloved Misty Knight. That said, if you are reading Fearless Defenders, I would love to hear your opinion, so please comment below or via social networks. Fearless Defenders #3 is on sale now.


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