GhettoManga cover artist ZEES lands his own SOLO ART SHOW!!!

Long time GhettoManga readers have feasted their eyes on the work of muralist, cartoonist and all-around design monster ZEES, and should be just as happy as I am that he's getting his very own solo show at the PVS Gallery in Hoboken, New Jersey! I have been internet friends with ZEES, since the MySpace era, and for those that don't know his work, I can only say that he is a perfect example of all that we stand for here at GhettoManga! Peep the flyer and press release below:

 Paul Vincent Gallery proudly presents emerging artist, Zees and his solo show ‘Stranger Strangers’. We invite you to join us on Sunday June 9, 2013 , 3pm­-6pm to view the full body of work. Gallery hours are by appointment only.

Stranger Strangers
Monsters exemplify the things that we judge or fail to understand about ourselves and others. Merged with Basil Wolverton’s earlier art’s grotesqueness, a free flowing sense of dynamic perspective, and a rubber hose, ZEES has fun with ugliness and oddities. He also pokes at his own sore spots, misdirections, and anxieties of feeling alienated.

ZEES crawled out of the toxic waste sewers in Jersey. Self taught illustrator, ZEES, crafted his tools from random items he found in the local dump. He would pull random comics out of the garbage and spend hours engaged by the art. He taught himself how to draw through the inspiration of comics and posters with subjects like bent car bumpers, some keys, broken glass, & ants.

ZEES spends his time creating games, painting murals, and drawing comics. The comics, THE MISSION and JUST SUPER, co­created with Jeffery Burandt, can be seen on the comic/literary site, TRIP CITY.



Email him at ­

The Paul Vincent Gallery is committed to bringing high quality art and entertainment to the city of Hoboken and its surrounding areas. In addition to exhibitions, the gallery hosts figure drawing sessions every Tuesday night, open jam sessions/open mics, and opens its facility to be rented for special private events.

Again, we are crazy happy for ZEES, so if you're in the area on June 9th, make some time to drop in on this show, which I'm sure will be a great one! For all my Facebookers, click here to put Stranger, Stranger on your event calendar!

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