#BegBorrowSteal "Hip Hop Family Tree" by the mighty @EdPiskor

Ed Piskor's hella-tight history of hip hop webcomic will finally enter the really real world this fall in the long-awaited Hip Hop Family Tree Volume 1 which is already making mad noise on Amazon. Ed has been posting teaser art for the comic on Facebook, and I got caught in the web of procrastination it inspires...

The secret origin of RUN DMC...

"I really would like to draw a comic with young New Edition solving crimes and going on missions." 
- Ed Piskor

THAT'S IT! I'm definitely getting a second job to pay Ed Piskor to draw a New Edition comic for GhettoManga Quarterly! You know, after I get a first job...

Thanks for coming. God Bless you, Good night.

This book doesn't come out 'til October, but you should click here to preorder Hip Hop Family Tree on Amazon so you won't forget and miss it! If not, just remember to tell your local comic shop to order one for you once the solicitation hits Previews! Hip Hop Family Tree is published by the fine folks at Fantagraphics, and runs on the web at BoingBoing dot net.


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