Cyborg looks SUPER ILL on the cover of Justice League #18

 Cyborg's on the cover to Justice League #18, so I couldn't resist snatching this preview and and dropping it here. While we're talking black superheroes, New 52 versions of Black Lightning and Vixen appear in this issue. Plus, I will not rant about the Blue Devil redesign. Not even a little bit.

I still haven't read any of the New 52 books, so that Superman redesign still looks weird to me. The art on this overall looks really nice, but I don't know if I could see myself buying this. I need to get a part time job at a comic shop so I can skim all these books. I'm not the biggest Geoff Johns fan in the world, but his writing's good enough when I'm not paying four bucks an issue for it. Anyways, Justice League #18  is in stores now, so if you read it, drop a comment or tweet or whatever and let me know what you thought of it.


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