New Video- "Pitfall" by @TaiyamoDenku (dir by @50HungryLions)

"I stand tall in a town of ego munchkins
who think their music is their function
but won't amount to nothin'..."
-Taiyamo Denku

Got this video for the new Taiyamo Denku cut Pitfall in my email today. Denku is working on a new album called Radio-Octave with production by NASA, as well as Ayatollah and Domingo. Pitfall was produced by The Grime Lab, and the video was directed by 50 Hungry Lions. Radio-Octave will come out later this year from NASA's Uncommon Records label. For now, cop the free Uncommon Burners 2 compilation via Bandcamp.

I appreciate NASA, who always seems to be trying to push the envelope with his music and the music on his label.  My first exposure to NASA was probably on the C-Rayz Walz album Ravipops, but Uncommon Records found a place in my heart with this song Mother Earth, Still Life off Agartha Audio & Taiyamo Denku's album Quadrofienda...

Good stuff... anyways, have a good day! 



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