#nowPlaying- "Chilean Rap Terror" by Grey Matter

Guest Reviewer Michael Lagocki (edited by Rusty Dog).
This new video for Chilean Rap Terror by Dallas-based crew Grey Matter features all the cliches I get tired of seeing in indy rap vids (rappers performing directly into the camera for no discernible reason, standing against a wall, switching between two different outfits, etc.)... yet it manages to transcend the norm by including cinematic elements, a variety of depth of shots, and by popping all the colors to give the whole thing a saturated, cleaner look. Director Kyle Elrod (Molekular) knows what he's doing. It's a good first release, and word is that their second vid, BPM, is only weeks away.

I suspect 2013 is going to be a good year for Grey Matter. I was able to catch the band perform this weekend and, as I already knew, their live show is on point. Front Man Kilo-Art-of-Fact has the goods in both lyrics and performance, which is probably why he walked away with the champion's dog tags at 2012's Elements Of Hip Hop Festival.
Check out the video and then whet your appetite for the next one by listening to BPM here:

Michael Lagocki is one-fifth of the mighty GhostWerks Crew, and one of the wheels within the wheel that is ArtLoveMagic, a massive collection of artists, musicians and poets dedicated to fighting evil with the power of good art. 


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