Corey Lewis to release new anthology at Emerald City Comicon?!?!

Because I'm a big dork for his comix, I freaked out when Corey Lewis mentioned that he was planning to drop his first full-color self-published book -tentatively titled Sunbakery-in time for Emerald City Comicon in early March. He describes it as "a self-anthology of (at least 3) short comic stories, and another section of pure artwork." That sounds too dope for words... Anyways, I couldn't find any pics on his page identified as being in the book, so here's a bunch of pics I snatched on geepee...

corey's marker game > my marker game... challenge accepted...

First of all: Fuck Rodimus! It was your fault when Optimus got killed. Second: Damn it, if this isn't a bomb ass drawing!!!!

Optimus Prime. The biggest boss you've seen thus far...

I'm so ready for this...

Real talk: My Christmas sucked. So God, the Universe and Barack Obama need to put their heads together and get me to Emeral City Comicon 2013. I was good this year, but the last few months of 2012 were pretty lame! You guys owe me big, so let's get after it in 2013!
Anyways, there's pro'lly gonna be a Kickstarter and alladat, so stay tuned... for now click here for more of my posts about Corey's stuff, or just click here to jock him first hand.
happy holidays...

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