"Book of Rhymes" pt 1 animated pilot by Distrakt

Here's the first episode of Book of Rhymes, a new animated web cartoon created by emcee Distrakt.

Rather than be real critical or whatever, I'll just take it for what it is. I like to see heads having a good time making stuff instead of nitpicking and doing nothing. That's what's up. When Distrakt first sent me the link to his website, I went and checked out some of his videos, and I gotta say, I really enjoy them. The DIY animation works really well with his rhyme style...
I cut for this video he made for Adjust f/Count Bass D. I'd like to see some of the crispness of the characters and objects in this video make its way into Book of Rhymes.

Maybe he used elements copied from other cartoons for the machines, flight suits and stuff (maybe not), but I could stand to see some more of that in the Books of Rhymes cartoon, which feels a bit flimsier. On the other hand, I kind of like the style he's going for, so I'm down to see what he does with it.
Anyways, here's another video he did for Sup f/Sadat X.


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