Ever since I first encountered Houston-based writer Adrian Engmann on these internets, I have been waiting to see the release of Kung Fu Swagga, his hip hop martial arts comic. Now, the book is on Kickstarter. Peep a quick preview...
Here's the Sales Pitch:
15 year old Jason Stonewall and his father, Raymond Stonewall return to the American town of Brickhaven after a year long training sojourn overseas in the East. Now the young martial arts prodigy must deal with his first day as a freshman in high school, b-boy bullies, girls, Brickhaven High's most notorious gang, the SHO'GUNNZ and their menacing leader, the Banchō Gangsta - - FA'SHO!
Yeah, you're welcome. Adrian has been working hard to get a Kung Fu Swagga mini together for a minute, and done the footwork to secure professional grade talent. "I spent a considerable amount of my personal savings..." Engmann reveals on the crowd-funding site for KFS. "I realized it may not be enough to complete the initial run in a timely basis." To that end, click here to bounce over to Kickstarter to see how you can help make the magic happen and net some sweet rewards!
Here's the Sales Pitch:
15 year old Jason Stonewall and his father, Raymond Stonewall return to the American town of Brickhaven after a year long training sojourn overseas in the East. Now the young martial arts prodigy must deal with his first day as a freshman in high school, b-boy bullies, girls, Brickhaven High's most notorious gang, the SHO'GUNNZ and their menacing leader, the Banchō Gangsta - - FA'SHO!
Yeah, you're welcome. Adrian has been working hard to get a Kung Fu Swagga mini together for a minute, and done the footwork to secure professional grade talent. "I spent a considerable amount of my personal savings..." Engmann reveals on the crowd-funding site for KFS. "I realized it may not be enough to complete the initial run in a timely basis." To that end, click here to bounce over to Kickstarter to see how you can help make the magic happen and net some sweet rewards!