Need more Kung Fu in your life? Of course you do! And I KNOW you need more art by that new nuh Chase Conley (Black Dynamite Animated Series, The Dresden Files: Fool Moon)! When I saw this, I HAD to put my pledge in to get that limited edition hardcover...
Here's the Sales pitch:
Always forced to play the villain, half Chinese, half British martial arts actor/stuntman/model Vincent Lyn is finally offered the part of the hero. He will be the Kung-Fu Star in a major Hong Kong motion picture. The only problem is he falls hard for his leading lady, the drop dead gorgeous Rose Lee, who just happens to be the mistress of ruthless Triad leader, Boss Chow.
Now Vincent must use his martial arts training not only to rescue the woman he loves, but to avoid a fatal end to his ability to walk and breathe.
In real life, there are no second takes!
"Essentially, this is art imitating life, as Vincent Lyn was always cast as the villain and died in 18 of his films. Those who know the man believe he should have been given the chance to play the lead. THIS IS HIS CHANCE!"
As for you and me, this is a sound investment in the future of comics. Chase Conley is a rising star in animation, and has a stated interest in doing more comics (but he's also on one of the hottest animated shows in America). Plus, for $25 you can get a SWEET 112 page, full color limited-edition hardcover (plus a digital copy to make the cypher complete).
If this Kickstarter succeeds, it'll go a long way to helping an already-recognized new talent continue to make a name for himself. Vincent Lyn and Matt Stevens believe in Conley enough to set aside HALF of the Kickstarter goal to pay for the remaining art on the series! Paying an artist to draw comics is controversial, I know... but dammit, I'm down with that! If you are too, click here to get your pledge in.
Here's the Sales pitch:
Always forced to play the villain, half Chinese, half British martial arts actor/stuntman/model Vincent Lyn is finally offered the part of the hero. He will be the Kung-Fu Star in a major Hong Kong motion picture. The only problem is he falls hard for his leading lady, the drop dead gorgeous Rose Lee, who just happens to be the mistress of ruthless Triad leader, Boss Chow.
Now Vincent must use his martial arts training not only to rescue the woman he loves, but to avoid a fatal end to his ability to walk and breathe.
In real life, there are no second takes!
"Essentially, this is art imitating life, as Vincent Lyn was always cast as the villain and died in 18 of his films. Those who know the man believe he should have been given the chance to play the lead. THIS IS HIS CHANCE!"
As for you and me, this is a sound investment in the future of comics. Chase Conley is a rising star in animation, and has a stated interest in doing more comics (but he's also on one of the hottest animated shows in America). Plus, for $25 you can get a SWEET 112 page, full color limited-edition hardcover (plus a digital copy to make the cypher complete).
