"We don't HAVE any GOOD ROBOTS, Jake!!" -Princess Bubblegum

We all know I'm robophobic. I also love Adventure Time. So this preview from Adventure Time #8 where the heroes of Oo go against evil robots was a lock to get posted on GhettoManga...
Here's the Sales Pitch:
THE MOST POPULAR AND TOTALLY RHOMBUS ALL-AGES COMIC ON THE STANDS TODAY! Join Jake the Dog and Finn the Human in another awesome issue of this all-ages classic! With Ooo in the grips of a Jake-caused time paradox, there’s only one team that can set things right. Don’t miss the latest issue of the comic book adaptation of the hit Cartoon Network show! Early issues have gone into multiple printings…don’t let your store be unprepared!

oh, BMO...
One of the things I love about Adventure Time is that they introduce these characters like BMO ("beemoe") with little or no explanation. Despite my robophobia, BMO is one of my favorite characters from the show. There's hope for me yet...
Anyways, Adventure Time #8 arrives in stores September 26th.


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