“Today we are cancelling the apocalypse!” -Stacker Pentecost (Idris Elba)

I am officially excited to see Pacific Rim, the 2013 giant-monsters-versus-giant-robots movie directed by Guillermo del Toro which will feature that dude Idris Elba as mobile suit pilot Stacker Pentecost. While I didn't hit the road for SDCC (San Diego Comicon for the uninitiated), I am happy to report that my heart is not filled with hate this year, so I am actually looking at the links people send me, one of which was a description of Del Toro's panel. He showed a two- and - half minute clip showing the giant robots (called Jaegers) battling the kaiju (giant monsters) in the film. I still haven't seen any footage myself, but this article made it sound pretty epic
I like Del Toro's visual style, and I'm excited to see how he takes this nerdcore wet dream and makes a real story out of it.
I'm also very pleased to see Idris in this genre. When I get my hands on one of the inevitable bootleg videos of Del Toro's panel, I will for sheez drop it here. for now, click here to read the Wired article on Pacific Rim that I read.

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