Today's Deviation: 12 page preview of "Potential of Nine" by Taylor Garrity

I discovered indie cartoonist Taylor Garrity through one of the comics groups I follow on DeviantArt. Aside from creating tons of great fan art of the usual pop culture icons, he also crafted a 110 page sci-fi action graphic novel called Potential of Nine that dropped in 2011. check it out...
Here's the Sales Pitch:
In the beginning there was Gia, a planet bestowed with a unique life energy that flowed through all her being. In her quest to create harmonious life, she gave birth to eight children known as the Elemental Guardians. These titans of Gia were tasked with regulating the distribution of her life energy, and using it to evolve the utopian world she hoped to forge. After countless millennia of peace, Gia gave birth to her greatest creation... mankind. This new species of life prospered and matured with the help of Gia and her Elemental Guardians. However, in time mankind grew unsatisfied with the amount of life energy the Guardians allowed them. They craved more control, and their greed eventually led mankind to rebel against the Guardians. After years of war and bloodshed, and using the very gifts Gia had provided them, man had defeated and enslaved the Elemental Guardians. They were now free to abuse the flow of Gia's precious life energy. The reign of man had begun...

Now... thousands of year’s later, mankind has realized that their overzealous use of energy has led to an impending extinction of all life. While they know they are killing Gia, and in turn themselves, they are unwilling to give up their lifestyles made possible by their overuse of energy. Their solution is to try and create a sustainable, hybrid energy source. At the forefront of this venture is the MAQ-Ro Power Company. They have begun to infuse humans with raw life energy from Gia, and cells extracted from the Elemental Guardians.

Yet again, mankind’s lust for power will lead to violence...

Potential of Nine is available on Indyplanet for $8.99 or you can cop a digital version on for 99 cents. I definitely wanna get it, so once I get a chance to read it, I'll post a review.


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