This... video... is... HARD!!!

3 time Wushu Champion Hao Zhi Hua aka Patti Li
Okay... About the new Aesop Rock video... even if you don't like Aesop Rock you should still watch the video for ZZZ Top. If you have to, turn the sound down and play some Wu-tang or Johnny Cash or whatever, but PLEASE watch this!

cover art to Aesop Rock's new album Skelethon
Nice. For the record, ZZZ Top stars Patti Li, master teacher of Wushu and highly decorated Olympian.  According to Wikipedia, she's the only person in China's history to have won six gold medals in a single national competition (she also copped a silver for good measure). I had no idea what I was getting into when my dude Sam slid me the link to this video, but I like Aesop, so I thought "Why not?" I didn't know it was gonna be a segment to to a dope martial arts movie!

As it turns out, ZZZ Top is the third video off Aesop Rock's upcoming album Skelethon, which is dropping July 10th. You can click here to preorder this joint on cd, digital download or vinyl (or some combination thereof) at Fifth Element. Get a black teeshirt while you're there, so as to rep the culture and what-not. Whatever the case, that video was pretty sick, in my opinion...  What did you think?

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