Phoenix Jones captures FBI fugitive #ScreamPhoenix

Scream Phoenix: Not in My City © Samax Amen
In this episode of Scream Phoenix, Seattle based costumed activists ("real life superhero") Phoenix Jones and Midknight Jack stalk track and help police catch an FBI fugitive wanted for his alleged involvement in the so-called Mayday Riots...

So basically, they followed this cat around all night and kept updating the police about where he was until the cops took him in for questioning. My understanding is that he was then picked up by the FBI for alleged vandalism of a federal building during the so-called Mayday Riots. Here's a news report about the riots, in case you (like me) don't live in Seattle. At the end is the interview Jones did that inspired my drawing.

Here's one more. It's from Phoenix Jones' chest cam as he, Midknight Jack and Caballero arrive at one of the protests that has gotten out of control. In this one, you can see why the other costumed activists rally around Phoenix Jones.  Even in the face of impending violence and verbal attacks, he remains cool and level-headed. One of the other cats peppers sprays somebody who threw a rock and almost seems like he wants to bust heads...  but Phoenix Jones cautions him not to over-react, saying "You don't wanna be that guy, man..."
Far from being a propaganda machine for these dudes, my strip Scream Phoenix will show my criticism as well as my praise for the costumed activist and his mates. My apprehensions aside, I applaud how it has gone so far. Phoenix strikes me as being the right type of cat to be doing it.  He seems tough enough to take insults and minor attacks without lashing out, yet humble enough to learn from mistakes and be more or less silent about public criticism. 
Black Block provocateurs in Toronto, circa 2010
When I watched that news report, my eyes bugged out at the sight of the "Black Block" protesters, who look like Foot Clan ninjas or Cobra stormtroopers or something. The buzz I'm getting is that these vandals are likely undercover police provocateurs sent to instigate violence to provide and excuse for riot cops to move in and clear out the peaceful protesters. But I'm too far removed from it to say if that's true or not. Whatever the case, Black Block isn't new or isolated to Seattle, so I can't blame it on people reacting to the presence of superheroes. For now, I remain pleased with Phoenix Jones, and his ongoing effort to inspire civic activism in cleaning up the streets. To see my process in creating this latest Scream Phoenix illustration, click here. To read more of my posts about Phoenix Jones, click here.


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