Godzilla, Orc Stain, and why everyone ♥s James Stokoe

I snagged you a couple of the covers and raw pages from Godzilla: Half Century War, the upcoming IDW mini-series by monster making man of mystery James Stokoe.  There's also some Orc Stain pencils and a grip of pages from the unreleased sequel Wonton Soup: War below. Peep it. tough guy...

"The series starts out in 1954, during Godzilla's first stroll through Tokyo." says Stokoe in an interview that posted yesterday on Newsarama. "It follows two soldiers who end up getting enlisted in the Anti Megalosaurus Force as experimental weapons testers after their run in with Godzilla." In the interview, Stokoe explains why he shrugged off the predictable Moby Dick vs Ahab dynamic in favor of making it more of an unrequited love story. I'm sorry, what?! Yeah, he's nuts! And by that, I mean awesome. Click here to peep the interview. Go ahead... I'm not going anywhere...

yeah, that's love right there...
If you checked out the interview you already know Stokes is diving head first back into his creator-owned monster epic Orc Stain after Godzilla: Half Century War is over. That's music to my ears, indie nerd that I am. So to celebrate, here's some Orc Stain pages I got in my email today.

and some stuff that I have no explanation for, but it's awesome, so here it is...

and a gang of pages from the as-yet unreleased third installment of the Wonton Soup series which I'm praying will still come out someday. The first volume was a brilliant science fiction action cooking story (if you can believe that). The second one was not as engaging, but the art was fabulous, and I'm willing to ride that train until it's done rolling. So anyways, feel free to drop into this cold...

So there you go. Stokoe draws comics in just about every genre with an enthusiasm that is easy to love.  And love it we do! He and Mark Andrew Smith just wrapped a Kickstarter for their baseball horror hardcover Sullivan's Sluggers that raised almost a $100k. Stokes occasionally drops these bombs of old projects, fan comics and penciled pages on his blog. So go there for more!


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